Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Night at Home

Well were to start....

Very little sleep as we have to wake Drakkin up every 3 hrs to feed him, but he was only fussy once and then promptly fell asleep again.

I never thought that having a child would change your life so quickly, but everything is all about "Big Man" now. I also figured out that I cant hold him ALL the time and I actually have to put him down at some point so my arms don't fall off.

He is doing much better we kept him bundled up through the night and his temp was just fine. He eats like a teenager already, except when he has hiccups then he doesn't want to eat at all.

Funniest thing he did so far was burp so loud he scared himself then promptly made an upset face at mommy.


Rach said...

I'm glad you guys are home. Shauna and I were just wondering about that. Hopefully Big Man will put on some weight really fast!

David Carpenter MBA, CPA said...

Nice pictures! I'm sure he's going to grow into the "big man" of the family!

Yes, they will change your life and hopefully for the better. Until they become teenagers and then it's just about change less the better part. J/K.